Steak!! How fancy!

February 12, 2011 § Leave a comment

Since my wonderful Grandmamee sent me back to school with a 6 pound beef tenderloin, I figured it was high time to have a small gathering. Part of my rec league co-ed basketball team came over and despite the fact that there weren’t enough veggies, we had a really yummy dinner!
The Menu:
Rosemary and garlic tenderloin… Such an easy recipe from William Sonoma!
Roasted sweet potatoes (pretty generic stuff but oh so yummy even to our picky, “non-sweet potato” eaters
French green beans… Made by Jordan but burnt by me when I forgot all the things going on in the kitchen!
Blackberry cobbler and vanilla ice cream!! My absolute favorite dessert! I’ll share the recipe!

Take your blackberries and wash them. Put them down in your casserole dish and make your crust out of one egg one cup of flour and one cup of sugar. squeeze half a lemon over the blackberries then pour your crust crumble over the mixture. Then melt a stick of butter and pour over the top of the crust and blackberries!


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